How to Keep PPC Advertising Costs Low

Pay Per Click, also commonly referred to as PPC, advertising can be a cost-effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page. It can be very profitable. That is, it can be highly cost-effective when it’s done right.

However, it can also be a very expensive proposition if you aren’t careful in your approach, attention, and expectations. The ultimate goal is to get the maximum possible ROI (return on investment). Here are a few small steps you can make that will help you keep your PPC advertising expenses from going through the virtual roof.

Limit Your Exposure to Only Likely Buyers

Online buyer using a credit card / Unsplash

The bottom line is that you only want to pay for ads that are being displayed to likely buyers. It’s not enough, really, to get people to click through to your landing page or website.

You need them to buy once they get there or, at the very least, sign up for your newsletter so you can sell to them eventually. This means that the more you target your traffic to those “buy” keywords the better the odds are that you’ll get the kind of traffic that has a wallet in hand and is ready to buy. Research into keywords is important.

Try a Different Landing Page

Two coworkers checking a website design
KOBU Agency / Unsplash

You may want to try several different landing pages, as a matter of fact. The important thing is to test a wide range and combination of landing page and keyword combinations to see where the best matches happen to be. Sometimes, different keywords work better with some landing pages than others.

Do a little split testing and compare the results. The goal is to us the most effective keyword/landing page combinations you have at your disposal whenever possible while appealing to the widest, and most profitable, possible audience.

Zero in on Appropriate Keywords

Keywords on a wooden tiles

If your goal is to make money through PPC marketing, some people are more interested in building a brand with this particular marketing effort, then it’s in your best interest to get more clicks. Google has a habit of penalizing sites or advertisers that get less than stellar click results with higher advertising rates.

You don’t have to move heaven and earth to find interesting and effective ways to save money from your PPC advertising methods. It’s just important to learn as much as you can about PPC success so that you can keep your costs down now and on future campaigns as well.

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